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Total value locked
Unstaking pool
Current ERA
Community participants are able to take part in the Astar Network dApp staking via our liquid staking solution. Users will receive nASTR tokens (A liquid representation of the staked ASTR) and use them inside Algem or partner dApps and continue to receive their staking reward.
Community participants are able to take part in the Astar Network dApp staking via our liquid staking solution. Users will receive nASTR tokens (A liquid representation of the staked ASTR) and use them inside Algem or partner dApps and continue to receive their staking reward.
When staking your ASTR with the Algem liquidity staking, users receive nASTR tokens on a 1:1 basis. User’s new nASTR tokens can be used for farming, lending rewards, etc.
nASTR is pegged to ASTR, therefore dApp can implement the same use cases for this token and increase their liquidity
Staking reward is distributed according to the current dApp staking APR and rules.
According the number of nASTR you have and current APR.
After 1 full ERA. For example, if you stake in a middle of the 67th ERA, you will get your first reward in 69th ERA.
You will lose the same part of the deep staking reward, because you will lose rights on underlying ASTR.
Yes. When you use it in other dApps you still have the rights on underlying ASTR and therefore on the dApp staking reward, which is generated by these tokens.
Log in on Algem via metamask and claim your reward.
You address, where you hold nASTR tokens, will start to receive dApp staking reward. Also, you can claim underlying ASTR anytime on Algem.
Anytime via unbonding form. At this moment your nASTR tokens will be burned.
Unstaking period varies from 10 ERAs to 13 ERAs (approximately 10-13 days).
Why so? In the Astar Network dApp staking unstaking period is 10 ERAs
DApp staking has a limit of 4 unbonding calls/user during the 10 days. Since our liquid staking contract is basically a user, Algem groups all unbonding calls into bunches and sends them to the dApp staking 4 times/10 days. That is why If you unstake ASTR at the beginning of this cycle, your unstaking period will be 13 ERAs.
Yes. Basically, nASTR is overcollateralized token. We will reveal full information soon.
When a user wants to provide liquidity on Sirius Finance, they have the option of providing one or both assets. If a user provides one or both assets but with a different balance than the asset balances in the pool, Sirius will automatically balance the user's liquidity based on the balance of the assets in the pool.
EX: The nASTR-ASTR ratio is 55-45 in the pool, so if someone adds 1000 nASTR to the pool, 450 of their nASTR will automatically be replaced by 450 ASTR. And the balance will be 550 nASTR and 450 ASTR. So the user will receive staking reward based on 550 nASTR. If a user wants to earn staking rewards on 1000 nASTR, they must also supply 1000 ASTR to the pool and therefore have an LP balance of 1000 nASTR - 1000 ASTR.
However, the value in $ of your tokens is still the same.